The primary purpose of installing a guard booth is to increase the safety of your facility and every person that enters. That’s the simple answer at least. What makes a guard booth capable of increasing safety? What kind of facilities need guard booths and how are they utilized? Understanding what makes a guard booth so important to have will give you the ability to make the best choices when considering a purchase for your location. This article explains guard booths, where they are used to enhance safety, and the advantages and features that come with them.
Any kind of enclosure that security officers can use solely for the purpose of monitoring and controlling what comes and goes through a facility can be considered a guard booth. Guard booths can also be called security booths, guard houses, guard huts, security shacks, or guard shacks among other notable terms. Guard booths are often placed at the entry and exit points of a facility to increase access control and provide a visual deterrent to unwanted guests. Guard booths can also be ballistic, and blast rated if your facility is more prone to outside threats and requires a higher level of protection.
Guard booths can be used at energy and nuclear facilities to establish a barrier from individuals who may aim to compromise the area. Government buildings and Military bases also require guard booths as they are among the most likely to face both domestic and foreign threats. Guard booths can help protect educational institutions of all grade levels to decrease the possibility of safety threats such as school shootings and kidnappings. Commercial properties may require guard booths, especially properties with a high volume of daily traffic. Commercial properties can safely conduct transactions, request identification, and protect both faculty and customers. Warehouses, parks, and residential homes are some other areas where guard booths can be a solid investment.
There are many ways that you can benefit from a guard booth depending on how it is modified. Security officers can respond faster and more efficiently to safety threats. The presence of a guard booth could be enough to deter acts of crime and violence. Along with improved access control, officers can better monitor the entire location and restrict access to certain areas of the premises.
One of the biggest advantages of guard booths is that they can be modified for you specific safety requirements. You can adjust the appearance and design of your guard booth to complement the existing architecture of your facility. You can also get them in a variety of sizes and configurations. You can also adjust features such as HVAC units and custom roofing that will make your guard booth more weatherproof and durable for all kinds of environments.
Another purpose of guard booths is to enhance ballistic protection. Security officers may need a designated space where they can be shielded from weapons of various levels. Guard booths can come with a ballistic rated entry door with dead-bolt lock, pull handles, heavy-duty hinges, weather-stripping, and threshold. Ballistic rated weapon firing access ports help protect your staff from attacks while providing a clear field of vision for counterattacks. Weapons ports can be given the ability to slide to the left or right for more flexibility in fields of fire.
Ballistic glass can be added to each window to provide 360-degree visibility and help engage targets with a significantly higher level of protection. You can also install new ballistic glass into existing windows or weapons ports and a variety of window tint options are available, to include one-way mirror tinting. Windows can be sliding, reach through, or solid.
If you are ready to add guard booths to your business or governmental property, contact Kontek Industries to discuss what you need. We'll help you configure your security guard booth to best meet your needs, including control systems, heat, air conditioning, lights and more. Our guard booths are easily configured for any security or operational requirements.
All of our ballistic-rated enclosures are tested and certified to exceed design requirements. They are also shipped to you fully assembled and ready to deploy.
Our guard booths are extremely durable and low maintenance, so you won't need to hire additional people for maintenance. You can also choose the color you want.
Contact the office at Kontek Industries today to discuss your needs and get started on your security project.