With so many things happening around the globe, it’s important to have a good threat and vulnerability management policy in place for your business. That begins with a threat and vulnerability assessment. This entails a team of experts coming to your organization to inspect, review and make a determination on how safe things are. It includes a detailed report on the current layout, how well it functions, any existing processes, countermeasures and vulnerabilities. The threat assessment concludes with cost effective recommendations and solutions that can strengthen current procedures and infrastructure.
All three of these are related to cyber attacks and security and play a huge role in threat and vulnerability management. A threat is something that may result in harm to the organization. In most cases, this involves malware, spyware, organized crime and in a few instances, employees who are not happy with the organization.
With vulnerability, weaknesses or gaps in the current infrastructure can be compromised by those threats to gain unauthorized access.
Risk is the point where threat and vulnerability overlap. The systems in place have a vulnerability that a threat can attack.
Having the right threat management and vulnerability management process in place can help your organization avoid being compromised. Putting together an effective program requires regular testing of defenses, and getting all employees on the same page. The process:
By implementing this type of process, the organization will be better suited to understand their vulnerabilities and threats to improve internal and external factors that could compromise the infrastructure and security systems and processes already in place.
The team at Kontek Industries works hard in providing threat and vulnerability management tools to organizations to help deter cyber criminals. Our team is experienced in threat assessment and vulnerability management, ensuring the highest processes and infrastructure protection recommendations. A global leader in tested security and defense solutions, they offer blast, ballistic, force protection, tactical and training solutions. For more information on getting a threat and vulnerability assessment, and the drafting and implantation of a threat and vulnerability policy, contact a member at Kontek Industries today!