7 Industries That Benefit from Ballistic Glass Solutions

Jun 18, 2024 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt

7 Industries That Benefit from Ballistic Glass Solutions

With violent incidents on the rise globally, the demand for advanced security solutions has never been higher. Ballistic glass, also known as bullet-resistant glass or bulletproof glass, provides essential protection in various settings, offering a critical line of defense against armed threats. This article highlights seven key industries that significantly benefit from the implementation of ballistic glass solutions.

Industries that Benefit from Ballistic Glass

  1. Financial Institutions
  2. Government Buildings
  3. Schools and Universities
  4. Retail Stores and Malls
  5. Defense and Military
  6. Gas Stations and Convenience Stores
  7. Stadiums and Arenas

1. Financial Institutions

Financial institutions, such as banks, face substantial risks from robberies, armed attacks, and threats to their personnel. With large sums of money and sensitive documents on-site, these establishments are prime targets for criminals. Bullet-resistant glass is an effective solution for enhancing security in financial institutions.

By installing ballistic glass at teller counters, offices, and entry points, banks can protect employees and customers, safeguard cash, and ensure the secure handling of sensitive documents. This protective measure helps to deter criminal activities and provides a safer environment for everyone involved.

The most common UL 752 levels used in financial institutions range from Level 1 to Level 3.

2. Government Buildings

Government buildings are high-profile targets for terrorism and other attacks, making it necessary to have stringent security measures in place to protect employees and sensitive information. The implementation of security glass in entry points, reception areas, and offices enhances security for government personnel. It protects armed assailants and safeguards classified documents. By creating a secure barrier, ballistic glass helps to prevent unauthorized access and reduces the risk of violent incidents within these critical infrastructures, ensuring the safety of public servants and visitors alike.

The most common UL 752 levels used in government buildings range from Level 4 to Level 8.

3. Schools and Universities

The unfortunate rise in school shootings and campus violence has made it imperative to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff. Installing bullet-resistant glass in entryways, classrooms, and administrative offices helps create secure learning environments. This measure protects against active shooters and reduces the risk of injury during violent incidents. By incorporating stronger glass, educational institutions can significantly enhance their safety protocols, providing peace of mind to parents, educators, and students and fostering an atmosphere conducive to learning. 

The most common UL 752 levels used in schools and universities range from Level 2 to Level 3.

4. Retail Stores and Malls

Retail stores and malls, especially those with high-value merchandise, are frequent targets for theft, including smash-and-grab incidents. Ballistic glass in storefronts, display cases, and entrances can prevent forced entries and protect valuable merchandise, enhancing overall security for customers and employees. By integrating this glass into their security strategy, retail establishments can deter criminal activities, reduce the risk of costly losses, and create a safer shopping environment, ultimately boosting consumer confidence and employee morale.

The most common UL 752 levels used in retail stores and malls range from Level 1 to Level 2.

5. Defense and Military

In defense settings, the typical end-users of ballistic glass are structural engineers who focus on planning and constructing military bases. Military bases and personnel face high risks of targeted attacks, so it is necessary to build strong structures to protect against ballistic threats. Armored glass in guard shacks, control rooms, and military vehicles provides enhanced protection for military personnel, secures communication and control centers, and fortifies vehicles.

This high level of protection is crucial in maintaining operational security and ensuring the safety of military personnel. It allows them to focus on their missions with reduced vulnerability to external threats.

The most common UL 752 levels used in military applications range from Level 5 to Level 8.

6. Gas Stations and Convenience Stores

Gas stations and convenience stores are often open late or 24/7, making them vulnerable to robberies and violent incidents. The installation of bullet-resistant glass at cashier stations, entrance doors, and windows provides a vital layer of protection for employees and customers. By incorporating security glass, these establishments can deter armed robbers and reduce the likelihood of violent encounters. This not only enhances the safety of staff and patrons but also helps in maintaining a secure and welcoming environment for the community.

The most common UL 752 levels used in gas stations and convenience stores range from Level 1 to Level 2.

7. Stadiums and Arenas

Stadiums and arenas, hosting large crowds for sporting events and concerts, are potential targets for terrorism and violent attacks. The use of transparent armor in entryways, VIP boxes, and control rooms helps to protect spectators, staff, and performers from armed threats. By installing ballistic glass, these venues can enhance their security measures, ensuring a safer environment for large gatherings. This protective measure is crucial in maintaining public safety and ensuring that attendees can enjoy events with peace of mind.

The most common UL 752 levels used in stadiums and arenas range from Level 4 to Level 8.

Installation Considerations for Ballistic Glass

When installing this type of protective glass, it is crucial to ensure that the entire structure can support and complement its protective qualities. This involves using robust frames and supporting structures designed to withstand the same level of force. Inadequate support can compromise effectiveness, making proper installation a critical factor in overall security.

Installation should be performed by professionals with experience in handling and fitting this specialized material. Professional installers understand the unique requirements and standards needed to ensure maximum protection, such as precise measurements, secure fittings, and alignment with other security features.

Regular maintenance and inspections are also necessary to ensure continued optimal protection. This includes checking for any signs of damage or wear and tear that could affect performance. Proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of the glass and ensure ongoing safety and security.


Ballistic glass is a crucial security measure for high-risk industries, offering robust protection against armed threats. Financial institutions, government buildings, schools, retail stores, military bases, gas stations, and stadiums all benefit from its implementation. By integrating bullet-resistant glass, these sectors enhance safety for employees, customers, and the public. Proper installation and maintenance by professionals ensure the effectiveness and longevity of ballistic glass, making it a vital component in modern security strategies.

Contact Kontek Industries

When you need ballistic-rated glass to protect employees and sensitive areas, Kontek Industries can provide you with the type of protection you need. We design and supply ballistic glass and window systems with protection for UL 752 and NIJ standards up to and including .50 caliber armor-piercing projectiles. Our ballistic glass will help Improve the safety and survivability of people within the buildings and structures that you look to protect with bullet-resistant polycarbonate glass. We also provide a variety of window tint options and decorative window furnishings. Contact the office at Kontek Industries today to discuss your needs.


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Topics: Ballistic Glass

Michael Witt

Published by Michael Witt

Michael Witt is the Director of Sales & Marketing at Kontek Industries. Michael is responsible for coordinating and executing sales strategies and marketing campaigns for the company. Prior to joining Kontek Industries, Michael was the Vice President of Sales of a U.S.-based physical security and surveillance company, where he managed a sales team supporting global security companies, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Energy, law enforcement agencies, and various defense groups across the world. Michael Witt served in the United States Marine Corps from 2006 – 2010 and conducted combat operations in Afghanistan on multiple deployments. Michael has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Gardner Webb University.