Feb 12, 2021 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Guard Booth, Target Hardening


Target Hardening Examples: Guard Booths

When considering target hardening for guard booths, it helps to start from the beginning. What is target hardening? Target hardening is a term used within the military and law enforcement fields. It basically means making targets more difficult to remove or damage. Target hardening techniques make breaking in a challenge for those who have ill intentions.

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Jan 29, 2021 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Threat Assessment, Target Hardening


Target Hardening For Law Enforcement Agencies

When preparing safety and security protocols for law enforcement agencies, it’s always best to begin with scenarios that could possibly take place. One of the best ways to do this is by reviewing lessons from the 1960s and 1970s and coupling them with more recent years to have realistic target hardening examples in which to start developing the plan.

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Jan 22, 2021 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Threat Assessment, Target Hardening


Target Hardening For Government Facilities

Government facilities can be far more vulnerable than people might realize, an unfortunate fact when you consider the ramifications of a successful attack or severe natural disaster. Target hardening is the process of examining those vulnerabilities in detail. From there, you can design solutions that will prevent damage before it has the chance to threaten the people, the structure, or the grounds of the government facility. 

Taking the time to plan a solid target hardening strategy can have lasting benefits. It can be the key to preventing theft, destruction, and even death. We'll look at what you need to know about how buildings are accessed, what kinds of products can be used, and who can help if you have any questions. 

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Dec 30, 2020 8:15:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Counter Terrorism


What Are NERC CIP Standards?

The National Electric Reliability Council (NERC) is a watchdog organization created to keep the public safe. Because the electrical system of a power plant can easily affect a much larger grid, NERC is there to ensure that everyday citizens can keep the lights on. Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) is just a part of what they do, but it's one of the most important components because it establishes the baseline of what safety should look like. The standards for NERC are based on what is rather than how it is. Said a different way, the council is less interested in the process as they are the results. If critical infrastructure is damaged or otherwise compromised, it's likely a sign that protocol isn't being followed. So if you're asking 'what is NERC', We'll look at how everything works and what it means for property owners. 

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Dec 15, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Threat Assessment


What is Critical Infrastructure Protection?

Critical infrastructure may sound as though it's referring to physical assets (e.g., electrical systems, etc.) but the truth is that it can mean any component that is vital to a property. Whether it's the grounds or the physical structure, protecting your critical infrastructure is non-negotiable. Taking these precautions is not just recommended by the Department of Homeland Security, it's a practical way to protect staff, equipment, and resources alike. So if a hacker wants to take all of your sensitive data and hold it for ransom, you don't have to worry about whether you should pay it. Or if an arsonist decides that your building is the next target, you won't have to wrestle with an insurance company for a check. We'll look at what this protection means for you, and what you can do to improve your critical infrastructure protection strategy today. 

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Nov 30, 2020 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Threat Assessment, Target Hardening


Target Hardening Examples: Learn to Protect Your Facility

Target hardening is the process of making a structure more difficult to attack or destroy. It's a relatively technical term, one that's largely associated with government buildings and global commerce facilities. Yet target hardening also refers to protection from natural disasters, accidental threats, and internal threats, all of which can apply to any building or property. From mom-and-pop corner stores to churches to schools, everyone can benefit from having the right target hardening techniques. But there's a careful balance that needs to be struck for owners who want to adopt these measures, otherwise you risk alienating those who use your facilities for the right purposes. (For example, you wouldn't necessarily want barb wire to surround a bustling, luxury shopping mall.) We'll look at what to keep in mind before you start implementing your own protections. 

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Nov 20, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Threat Assessment, Target Hardening


Bolster Your Security: Threat Assessments and Target Hardening

On a daily basis, facilities managers must remain vigilant to a variety of possible threats.

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Oct 30, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Glass, Custom Fabrication, Target Hardening


Target Hardening with Ballistic Glass

Ballistic glass is heavy-duty protection that can be installed in anything from an office building to a vehicle. It is one of the most indestructible types of bulletproof glass and it's been a literal lifesaver for plenty of people around the globe. It's a good example of target hardening, a technique where property owners can add layers of security to their building and grounds. When everything from storefronts to schools is being attacked these days, it pays to take extra precautions. The stronger your defenses are, the more difficult it is for a criminal to hit their mark. And even if a criminal can't see the thick glass from a distance, it provides another obstacle, which can force them to abandon a structure. 

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Oct 16, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Counter Terrorism, Target Hardening


Target Hardening and Terrorism

Target hardening measures are techniques used to make a property more difficult for another to infiltrate. Whether it's a petty thief or a merciless terrorist, the building, structure, and grounds are designed to present multiple obstacles to a criminal, so they eventually become frustrated and move on. The more work they need to do and the more danger it presents, the less likely they are to follow through with the plan. When we think of terrorists, we tend to think of those that make the headlines. From crashed planes to bombed buildings, these heinous acts are often intended for high-profile properties. The problem with these associations is that it can give us an impression that smaller organizations aren't at risk. Yet the truth is that anyone and anything can be a terrorist target. It helps to understand the techniques that can stop an attack long before it actually occurs, and how crime prevention can be fully integrated into everyday life.  

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Sep 25, 2020 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt


Bolster Your Facility's Security with Target Hardening

Security professionals know that a visible defense strategy can delay — or completely deter — an attack on a facility. From anti-theft devices to armed patrols, a variety of target hardening techniques can aid you with crime prevention efforts at your site.

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