Oct 4, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Counter Terrorism, Target Hardening


How Video Surveillance Systems Improve Target Hardening

Video surveillance systems have become a common target hardening technique for businesses as they provide many safety and security benefits to all kinds of facilities. Installing a surveillance system is one way that you can apply modern technology to your security plans and procedures to maintain a safe environment for staff, clients, and authorized guests. Some common locations where you may see a surveillance system include schools, government buildings, hospitals, places of worship, and commercial properties. Target hardening is improved through surveillance systems by providing intrusion detection, presenting a physical deterrence, and monitoring the environment.

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Sep 20, 2022 9:00:43 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Target Hardening, Fencing Solutions


How Anti-Scale Fencing Can Protect Your Facility

Anti-scale fencing is a very common solution for facilities that require a high level of security. A few good examples of these include military bases, prisons, and nuclear power plants. This kind of fencing is a necessity if your organization involves handling sensitive materials or engaging with high-profile individuals and public figures. There are also businesses that may not deal with such potentially targeted assets but still want to invest in stronger security methods to further ensure the safety of all assets, customers, and staff. Here are a few ways anti-scale fencing can help.

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Sep 6, 2022 9:04:01 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Target Hardening, Fencing Solutions


Permanent Vs Temporary Security Fencing: What Do You Need?

Security fencing is a common method of target hardening that has been proven to be highly effective for many facilities. Fencing is likely to be a key attribute of your security measures as it can help deter intruders and help maintain access control. This feature can be installed for many different purposes and timeframes so some organizations may be seeking a long-term fencing solution while others only require fencing on a temporary basis. To determine which fencing solution is best for your facility, you must understand the difference between how permanent and temporary fencing is best applied.

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Aug 23, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Adam Baird posted in Target Hardening


How Mobile Fighting Positions Protect Schools

Educational institutions are considered to be soft targets for criminal activity and outside threats as those facilities are primarily occupied by children, teenagers, and unarmed faculty. Schools have an enhanced need for protection compared to most other facilities. There are many threats that young students could encounter; one that undoubtedly catches the nation’s attention whenever it occurs is the threat of active shooters.

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Aug 9, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Adam Baird posted in Ballistic Shield


How Mobile Fighting Positions Can Be Utilized By Officers

A mobile fighting position (MFP) is a rapid deployment ballistic shield and barricade that protects officers during combat. MFPs can be maneuvered over long distances, increasing operators' mobility and survivability. This kind of equipment is proven to be beneficial as officers are allowed to respond and defend against hasty/rapid deployment attacks. MFPs can be best utilized by SWAT units, nuclear security officers, and educational institutions.

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Jul 26, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Adam Baird posted in Body Armor


What Does NIJ Mean & How Does It Affect Body Armor?

Understanding the meaning of NIJ levels is essential as some have major differences compared to others in terms of protection, weight, velocity, and material. NIJ levels provide a clear indication of what the armor protects against and who could be best suited to apply it. NIJ has become a notable acronym in the industry, but what does it stand for? What does it mean? What does NIJ have to do with you purchasing body armor?

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Jul 12, 2022 9:35:43 AM / by Adam Baird posted in Body Armor

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What Are The Different Levels Of Body Armor?

Before purchasing any kind of body armor, you must be sure to have a thorough understanding of the different levels of protection that are available. Knowing what each level can provide in terms of protection from bullets will make your selections a lot clearer and more precise. The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has determined and specified the standards that differentiate the different kinds of body armor from soft to hard armor. The 6 commonly known levels of protection include level IIA, II, IIIA, III, III+, and IV. What determines the category of body armor is less about what it is made of and more about the type of ammunition it can resist against.

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Jun 23, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Special Forces Training, Tactical Training


What Equipment Can Security Operators Train With At The Range?

Security operators require not only good training techniques but also the proper equipment to prepare for various combat scenarios. There are plenty of tools that will enhance your range training and some are more impactful than others. We’re here to highlight what you should look for when deciding on what to bring with you to the range. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, these tools can both sharpen your skills as well as your decision making.

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Jun 8, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Special Forces Training, Tactical Training


How To Utilize Range Barricades For Tactical Training Exercises

Range barricades will enhance your tactical training exercises significantly. They provide more realistic conditions much like what you would face in a situation where you must quickly take cover and fire a weapon. The effectiveness of range barricades depends heavily on how they are utilized in training. The key to training with barricades is to acknowledge all mistakes on the range rather than in the field where the consequences are much more costly. The position of your body in conjunction with the position of your weapon and points of contact are the most important factors to look over when using a barricade.

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May 24, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Glass, Threat Assessment, Target Hardening


Preparing For Riots By Target Hardening Your Facility

Riots often subject unsuspecting business owners to burglary, looters, and vandalism. Riots are usually the result of 4 common causes, out of control celebrations, out of control protests, controversial events, and incitation. The best way to prepare for riots is to provide your facility with the right amenities and procedures to maintain a safe environment during unsafe circumstances. There is no single solution to make your facility completely riot-proof. To prevent riot destruction, you must acknowledge numerous techniques and come up with a solid plan.

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