Michael Witt

Michael Witt is the Director of Sales & Marketing at Kontek Industries. Michael is responsible for coordinating and executing sales strategies and marketing campaigns for the company. Prior to joining Kontek Industries, Michael was the Vice President of Sales of a U.S.-based physical security and surveillance company, where he managed a sales team supporting global security companies, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of Energy, law enforcement agencies, and various defense groups across the world. Michael Witt served in the United States Marine Corps from 2006 – 2010 and conducted combat operations in Afghanistan on multiple deployments. Michael has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice from Gardner Webb University.
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Recent Posts

Sep 20, 2022 9:00:43 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Target Hardening, Fencing Solutions


How Anti-Scale Fencing Can Protect Your Facility

Anti-scale fencing is a very common solution for facilities that require a high level of security. A few good examples of these include military bases, prisons, and nuclear power plants. This kind of fencing is a necessity if your organization involves handling sensitive materials or engaging with high-profile individuals and public figures. There are also businesses that may not deal with such potentially targeted assets but still want to invest in stronger security methods to further ensure the safety of all assets, customers, and staff. Here are a few ways anti-scale fencing can help.

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Sep 6, 2022 9:04:01 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Target Hardening, Fencing Solutions


Permanent Vs Temporary Security Fencing: What Do You Need?

Security fencing is a common method of target hardening that has been proven to be highly effective for many facilities. Fencing is likely to be a key attribute of your security measures as it can help deter intruders and help maintain access control. This feature can be installed for many different purposes and timeframes so some organizations may be seeking a long-term fencing solution while others only require fencing on a temporary basis. To determine which fencing solution is best for your facility, you must understand the difference between how permanent and temporary fencing is best applied.

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Jun 23, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Special Forces Training, Tactical Training


What Equipment Can Security Operators Train With At The Range?

Security operators require not only good training techniques but also the proper equipment to prepare for various combat scenarios. There are plenty of tools that will enhance your range training and some are more impactful than others. We’re here to highlight what you should look for when deciding on what to bring with you to the range. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned professional, these tools can both sharpen your skills as well as your decision making.

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Jun 8, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Special Forces Training, Tactical Training


How To Utilize Range Barricades For Tactical Training Exercises

Range barricades will enhance your tactical training exercises significantly. They provide more realistic conditions much like what you would face in a situation where you must quickly take cover and fire a weapon. The effectiveness of range barricades depends heavily on how they are utilized in training. The key to training with barricades is to acknowledge all mistakes on the range rather than in the field where the consequences are much more costly. The position of your body in conjunction with the position of your weapon and points of contact are the most important factors to look over when using a barricade.

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May 24, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Glass, Threat Assessment, Target Hardening


Preparing For Riots By Target Hardening Your Facility

Riots often subject unsuspecting business owners to burglary, looters, and vandalism. Riots are usually the result of 4 common causes, out of control celebrations, out of control protests, controversial events, and incitation. The best way to prepare for riots is to provide your facility with the right amenities and procedures to maintain a safe environment during unsafe circumstances. There is no single solution to make your facility completely riot-proof. To prevent riot destruction, you must acknowledge numerous techniques and come up with a solid plan.

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Apr 26, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Glass


Ballistic Glass Stops More Than Bullets: Prevent Riot Destruction

Many people primarily think of ballistic glass as a bullet stopping solution for active shooter situations, but bullets aren’t the only threat you could face. Riots are a common issue across the United States and facilities located at the center of them are subjected to vandalism, burglary, and looters as a result. Local retailers are the most targeted as their facilities are full of merchandise and are often designed with a heavy use of glass windows and glass door entrances. Given the fragility of these glass components, they can easily become extremely vulnerable areas for rioters to commit break-ins. Ballistic glass offers a key solution to riot situations as they can withstand impact from potentially dangerous objects and projectiles.

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Mar 29, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Threat Assessment, Shoot House, Special Forces Training, Tactical Training, CQB Training, Ballistic Shield


CQB: Using Ballistic Shields For Shoot House Training

Close Quarters Combat or Close Quarters Battle training involves the preparation of tactical teams for situations where a physical fight with firearms between multiple individuals at a particularly short range may occur. Shoot houses help enhance both the performance of tactical teams and the efficiency of their missions as they are configured to resemble residential, industrial, and commercial areas. Throughout training, ballistic shields can be implemented for various scenarios. Raids, high-risk search warrants, and active shooter situations can be practiced with ballistic shields using both offensive and defensive tactics. There are fundamental CQB principles alongside room clearing and target engagement that are among the most common practices for tactical teams when implementing a ballistic shield in a shoot house.

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Mar 15, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Shield


Ballistic Shield Tactics: Training With A Ballistic Shield

The ballistic shield is an important tool for modern tactical teams as they help protect expose areas from bullets and dangerous projectiles. It is safe to assume that ballistic shields will most likely always remain a vital factor of protection during intense situations and should be frequently utilized in training. All tactical officers must train with ballistic shields to become well versed in proper technique and have the ability to efficiently execute tactical maneuvers before deploying a shield. This article walks you through vital training tactics and various ballistic shield uses that are commonly utilized by many tactical teams.

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Mar 1, 2022 9:30:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Shield


What Should You Look For In A Ballistic Shield?

Ballistic Shields, also known as tactical shields or bunker shields, are protective devices that are primarily utilized by police and military forces to block and deflect bullets and other dangerous projectiles aimed at operators. Situations that may require the use of a ballistic shield include but are not limited to riots, search warrants, and active shooter threats. Over the last 2 decades, there has been many technological innovations that led to new styles and variations of shields as well as modifications made for increased performance of specific features and applications.

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Feb 15, 2022 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Rated Enclosures, Prefabricated Guard Booth, Guard Booth


What Is A Guard Booth’s Purpose? Guard Booths Explained

The primary purpose of installing a guard booth is to increase the safety of your facility and every person that enters. That’s the simple answer at least. What makes a guard booth capable of increasing safety? What kind of facilities need guard booths and how are they utilized? Understanding what makes a guard booth so important to have will give you the ability to make the best choices when considering a purchase for your location. This article explains guard booths, where they are used to enhance safety, and the advantages and features that come with them.

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