Oct 18, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt


How Are Guard Booths Made?


Each guard booth is constructed according to the needs of the customer with the help of proprietary designs by Kontek. Each guard booth is built meeting requirements or specific design requests to provide immediate safety. Kontek provides ballistic glass & both metallic and non-metallic protection, up to .50 cal AP and varying levels of blast protection. 

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Oct 11, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Rated Enclosures, Custom Fabrication


3 Types of Weapons Ports


Our ballistic-rated enclosures can be fitted with three kinds of weapons ports, including sliding door ports, hands-free ports and ball weapons ports. The gun port you choose depends on the type of weapons you use and the application of the ballistic-rated enclosure. You may need to use a hands-free port or a sliding door port that may be better for your application. Our firing port engagement system allows for fields of fire and a standard field of view.

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Oct 9, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Custom Fabrication

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What is a Remote Operated Weapons System?

What is a Remote Operated Weapons System?

A remote operated weapons system (ROWS) is a vertical platform that is blast- and ballistic-rated. The ROWS system allows users to defeat attacks and perform advanced detection and surveillance. A ROWS tower is a hardened platform that is able to employ lethal and non-lethal defense with minimal exposure and cost. Kontek Industries’ ROWS tower systems are designed to accept any weapons and surveillance technology and features up to 0.50 caliber armor-piercing ballistic rating. Our ROWS tower systems also feature a 105 psi exterior blast reflective pressure rating.

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Oct 4, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Guard Booth


The Benefits of Mobile Guard Booths

Guard booths are a critical part of your security system, deterring crime and protecting both your people and your infrastructure. If your company is on the move, if you need maximum flexibility in your security system, or if you need to be prepared to deal with security emergencies, then mobile guard booths are the ideal solution. These booths offer the convenience of being easy to move, so you can always place them exactly where you need them as conditions change.

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Sep 25, 2019 8:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Ballistic Rated Enclosures, Prefabricated Guard Booth, Guard Booth


Guard Booth Applications

Guard booths, often referred to as watch houses, guard shacks, security booths, security buildings or even sentry buildings have a wide variety of applications. They are used to protect employees who may be in danger of being accosted because of the type of company they work for or because they handle a lot of money.

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Sep 6, 2019 7:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Prefabricated Guard Booth


Guard Booths: Mobile vs. Stationary

Security buildings are meant to protect employees in many types of employment from guard booths in parking lots to towers in military installations. Guard booth design depends on what you need and your location. Booths may be mobile or stationary, may have heat and air conditioning—or not—and usually have electricity. A guard booth is not only armored, but it may also have locks on the doors, security cameras, a redundant computer backup for the cameras and even a security window so that employees may safely check identification. Kontek Industries even designs security booths that meet the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s standards for safety.

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Aug 21, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt


Guard Booths: Features and Design

An armored guard booth is an essential element of the overall plan for security at your nuclear facility. A custom-made security guard house will protect your employees and your infrastructure. You can select features such as security windows, cameras, locks, and spotlights to meet your facility's particular security needs.  

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Aug 7, 2019 8:30:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Prefabricated Guard Booth


Guard Shack Pricing: Rent or Buy?

Guard Booths: Rent or Buy

Any organization that needs a guard booth might be tempted to choose the least expensive options on the table. Leaders may choose to rent structures or even search for a used guard shack for sale. But regardless of your industry, the risks of cutting corners are ultimately not worth the money you save. While renting parking booths may save you a little money in the short-term, you're ultimately jeopardizing both the employee and the overall safety of your facilities. It's time to look at the real risks and rewards of customizable booths against renting or buying used enclosures. 

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Jul 22, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Guard Booth


How Much Do Guard Booths Cost?

How Much Do Guard Booths Cost?

Those looking for guard shacks for sale need to balance their budget against the quality of the infrastructure they need. Most manufacturers will price each booth out by its square footage, depending on the amenities and materials used to construct it. You can find low-range booths for as low as $30 a square foot, while the upper end can skew toward $150 or more. When you search for security buildings, you need to take into account how sturdy they are, the size and shape of the structure, and how the booth helps professionals prepare if danger does happen to strike. 

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Jul 8, 2019 9:00:00 AM / by Michael Witt posted in Critical Infrastructure, Guard Booth


Nuclear Security and the Benefit of Guard Booths

Nuclear Security and the Benefits of Guard Booths

Nuclear security takes into account all the ways in which facilities can protect their people, property, and surrounding environment. It's designed to address the many nuclear hazards that might occur, from the everyday threats to the truly unexpected catastrophes. Whether it's a terrorist plot or a car accident, security professionals need to be able to detect and prevent danger whenever possible and mitigate the consequences in case something does happen. The International Atomic Energy Agency has some pretty stringent guidelines on what exactly that means for the many plants around the world. See how the suggestions should influence the decision makers at nuclear facilities and how guard booths can make a difference in the general safety of everyone. 

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